Online booking / Dunajec Rafting

The privacy policy

I. General Provisions

  1. The privacy policy specifies how Users' personal data necessary for providing electronic services through the website (hereinafter: the Service) is collected, processed, and stored.
  2. The Service collects only the personal data necessary to provide and develop the services offered therein.
  3. Personal data collected via the Service is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter GDPR), and the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018.


II. Data Administrator

  1. The administrator of personal data collected via the Service is F.H.U. Natalia Kowalczyk, address: ul. Gen. Galicy 66, 34-425 Biały Dunajec, Poland, NIP: 7361706067, REGON: 385182132, email: (hereinafter: the Administrator).


III. Purpose of Collecting Personal Data

  1. Personal data is used for:
    1. Registering an account and verifying the User's identity,
    2. Enabling logging into the Service,
    3. Fulfilling the agreement regarding services and e-services,
    4. Communicating with the User (live chat, contact form, etc.),
    5. Sending newsletters (with the User's consent),
    6. Running a comment system,
    7. Providing social services,
    8. Promoting the Administrator's offer,
    9. Marketing, remarketing, and affiliation,
    10. Personalizing the Service for Users,
    11. Conducting analytical and statistical activities,
    12. Debt collection,
    13. Establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them.
  2. Providing data is voluntary but necessary to conclude an agreement or use other functionalities of the Service.


IV. Types of Processed Personal Data

  1. The Administrator may process the User's personal data: name and surname, date of birth, residential address, email address, phone number, NIP (Tax Identification Number).


V. Personal Data Processing Period

  1. Users' personal data will be processed for the period:
    1. When the basis for processing data is the performance of a contract – until the expiration of claims after its execution,
    2. When the basis for processing data is consent – until its withdrawal, and after withdrawal until the expiration of claims.
    3. In both cases, the limitation period is 6 years, and for claims for periodic performances and claims related to conducting business activities – 3 years (unless a specific regulation provides otherwise).


VI. Sharing Personal Data

  1. Users' personal data may be transferred to: entities affiliated with the Administrator, its subcontractors, entities cooperating with the Administrator, such as companies handling e-payments, courier/postal service companies, legal firms.
  2. Users' personal data will not/will be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).


VII. Users' Rights

  1. The User of the Service has the right to: access their personal data, rectify it, delete it, limit its processing, transfer it, object to its processing, withdraw consent at any time (without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal).
  2. A request to exercise the rights mentioned above should be sent to [email address].
  3. The Administrator will fulfill or refuse to fulfill the request immediately – within a maximum of one month from its receipt.
  4. The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if they believe that the processing violates their rights and freedoms (GDPR).


VIII. Cookies

  1. The Service collects information using cookies – session, persistent, and third-party cookies.
  2. The collection of cookies supports the proper provision of services on the Service and serves statistical purposes.
  3. The User can define the scope of access to cookies on their device in the browser settings.


IX. Automated Decision-Making and Profiling

  1. Users' data cannot be processed in an automated manner so that any decisions could be made about them as a result.
  2. Users' data may be profiled to tailor content and personalize the offer with their consent.


X. Final Provisions

  1. The Administrator has the right to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy, provided that Users' rights are not limited.
  2. Information about the introduced changes will appear in the form of a notice available on the Service.
  3. In matters not regulated by this Privacy Policy, the provisions of the GDPR and Polish law apply.